
Summary ofRemote: Office Not Required

by Jason Fried
Remote: Office Not Required

You probably picture an office when you imagine work. Behind every desk is a worker typing on the computer. Meetings in the afternoon to review recent projects. Water cooler gossip.

Lunch can be taken away in a bag made of paper. Modern technology has changed our perception of what work is. The new ways to share information make it unnecessary to sit in an office 9-5 to accomplish tasks. Employees are increasingly working from home, while employers also reap the rewards of these new working arrangements.

As more employers begin to provide more flexibility for their employees, managers and workers have found that remote work can be challenging.

Remote work can be a great benefit for companies with the correct attitude and some simple rules.

Lesson 1: Boost Retention

Remote working is an excellent way to retain the brightest and best employees. The latest technological advances have freed workers from being confined to their offices and cubicles day after day. Now, employees can choose to work remotely or away from the office.

Both employees and employers are huge fans of remote work. Hiring remote workers allows employers to access a wider talent pool and find the right person for any given job.

If you live outside of a large metropolitan area you still have access to world-class talent by hiring remote workers. The technology has enabled people to collaborate with others on the opposite side of the globe. A basic Skype account, for example, allows you to have video conferences with your coworkers no matter where they're located.

What about your existing employees? Do they also need to work remotely? People often change jobs due to personal reasons. Offering your top employees the opportunity to work remotely will help them stay on your team.

Workaholics can have other interests outside of their jobs. Sometimes, an employee's needs for family, friends or interests other than work require them to relocate. Employers can offer remote working as an alternative to firing employees who must move. It's always better to keep a trained, good employee on staff than have to train and manage someone who isn't up to par.

Lesson 2: Maximize Productivity and Life Balance with Flexible Remote Work

Employees can be more productive while still having a personal life. It's not just beneficial for the employer, it can improve employee's quality of life.

Employees can still be productive while completing daily tasks with remote work. Workers can plan their day to fit in work and other activities, like housework, or even family time.

Employees who need more flexibility can benefit from this type of arrangement. If you are employed in an office setting, the schedule dictates your entire day. You cannot leave for more than two hours to go pick up your child without permission. Meetings must be cancelled, etc. If you were working remotely, however, you would be able to stop your work and take care of the situation quickly.

Not everyone is productive at the same times. Others prefer to work in the afternoon, or in the evening. Traditional working hours are a constraint for me. Remote working allows you to be productive whenever you want. This is particularly important for those involved in creative work. Inspiration is not something that can be forced just because a new workday has started.

You can't always guarantee your inspiration will arrive between 9 am and 5 pm. The flexibility of remote working allows you to start working towards your dream immediately. As a result of the everyday grind, many people delay their dream until retirement. The daily grind, long commutes, and time spent at work don't leave enough time for you to achieve your dreams.

Remote work allows you to find time for both your hobbies and career without sacrificing either. If you want to see the world and travel, for example, there is no need to wait. You can work and travel full time as long as your laptop is packed.

Lesson 3: Boosts Productivity by Minimizing Office Distractions

By eliminating office distractions, working remotely can improve the quality of your work. Some employers are hesitant to allow remote working because they believe that it will encourage employees to become lazy. Do not be so sure. Working in an office is often less productive than remote work, you are constantly surrounded by people when you're in the office. There are many distractions, coffee breaks here and there, small chats with colleagues, etc., that can easily waste half your day. A lot of the time, your job is dependent on others' work.

You may be distracted and bombarded by coworkers who ask you questions you could have waited to answer, yet they still bother you while you are sitting there. There will be distractions and interruptions if you are working remotely or in a cafe. You can control these interruptions better.

If you're not finished with your work, ignore any emails that don't seem urgent. It's a great way to avoid annoying coworkers and tell your partner that you won't be available until after noon. Remote work allows you to focus better than you might if you were working at an office.

Remote work also allows employers to see the quality of work an employee produces without being distracted by the small details. Managers often judge an employee's value based on secondary criteria, like how frequently a worker is late or takes breaks.

An employer who has an employee working remotely can only evaluate the employee based on his actual work.

Consider it: It doesn't matter that someone begins their day a half-hour later, if they are able to complete the task on time.

Lesson 4: Why Companies Resist Remote Work? Debunking Myths and Embracing Culture Over Control

FaceTime doesn't equal productivity, neither does desk time. Remote work is worth a try. Why do companies resist remote working? We know the advantages of it. The argument that remote working is bad for company culture comes up often. Having employees spread out in different locations makes it harder to create a cohesive team. This perspective, however, confuses team-building with company culture. It's not about making sure that all your employees have the same lunch time or lifestyle. Instead, company culture refers to how your values are expressed through your staff.

In order to build a sustainable company culture, it is important that employees have a positive outlook toward their customers and set long-term goals for productivity. Face-to-face interactions between coworkers are not necessary to implement and understand this culture. Companies also resist remote working because they think that collaboration only occurs when face-to-face. Even if that is the case, many companies struggle to put into practice ideas developed in face-to-face sessions.

There's no reason for your employees to get together every day if you cannot implement the new ideas each day. Many managers believe that an employee sitting in a desk chair is productive. If you are not in the office you will not be productive. A manager does not have any more power over an employee because they are sitting in the same room.

A manager will only fool himself by thinking that he is in control. Imagine that 30% of the bandwidth used at office is spent watching YouTube videos. Does that make sense? Many companies simply reject remote work. Many companies dismiss remote work out of hand, claiming that it may be fine for other organizations, but not for them.

Despite this, many companies from every industry have introduced remote working successfully, even some that you may think are too large or traditional to make the change.

It is foolish for the government to say no without even giving remote work a try. Now that you are convinced, do you want to try remote work at your business?

Lesson 5: How to Test if Remote Work Fits Your Business

Test the waters and see if remote work is right for your business. Many companies are convinced that their office-based work is too important to successfully transition to remote working. It doesn't really matter if you are a manager at a large corporation or a small startup. Remote work can be incorporated into any workflow.

Remote work simply means your employees won't be chained to their desks every day at the office.

However, it doesn't necessarily mean they cannot be present. It's not a one-size-fits-all commitment to work remotely. For example, you could test the water by giving a small group of employees the option to work from home for a couple days per week.

You can then decide for yourself if remote working is the right option for you and your business. This will also give you an idea about what to look out for before you allow more people to work from home for longer periods of time. Do not make any decisions until you have done your research. Do not base your decision on a single employee's experience working remotely for a week. Have your entire team remotely work for several days each week for two months. This will give you a much better idea of how the concept is received by both yourself and employees. You probably already do remote work without realizing it.

Companies often outsource tasks, like advertising, to accountants or lawyers. It is much more risky to allow employees to work at home. Many companies have already trusted their work to outside professionals. You shouldn't have a problem allowing employees to work from outside the company.

Lesson 6: Fostering Effective Remote Collaboration Between Teams and Clients

Work to foster effective collaboration between your employees and clients. Collaboration is a part of most work projects. Designers and web developers need to communicate.

Reach out to your clients. How can you ensure that employees collaborate effectively when working from a distance? You'll need to make sure that all your teams are able to communicate.

It's not necessary to have constant and effective communication between the remote office and workers, but it must at least be possible. At least a portion of time, ensure that all team members are able to work together, no matter where they're located, in order for them to discuss any urgent issues.

The authors of 37 Signals required that employees who were working on the exact same project overlap for four hours. So, every employee could work as they wanted for a half day, while also having at least four additional hours available to talk about topics that were important to the team.

You can make collaboration easier by sharing company information. You can also make company information, including secrets, easily available online.

37 Signals does this by using a calendar that is shared so everyone can see who's free and when. You and your staff will need to be accessible for clients that may be uncomfortable with dealing remotely. You can understand that building trust becomes more challenging when clients cannot shake hands or visit your office in order to view your progress.

It is important to be clear and upfront about the remote working arrangement from the beginning.

Give your clients plenty of chances to participate in projects, wherever they are located. They'll see for themselves the results of their investments.

Lesson 7: Building Strong Remote Teams

Remember that there is a real person behind the email address. Relationships with people need to be nurtured. Over time, colleagues can become close friends or good acquaintances. How does it work when employees don't ever meet each other? Remote workers are no exception. It is a proven fact that they cannot work continuously without some form of social interaction.

It's important to relax from time-to-time, but it is even better when you can unwind with your colleagues. This will help to maintain team spirit and build a strong sense of community. Remote workers are free to take a stroll if they feel stressed.

It's still important that workers get to know one another on a personal level. For this purpose, 37signals set up an online chatroom for remote workers where they can spend their breaks just like an office team in the cafeteria or dining room.

Remote workers, as well as their employers, need to take into account how working remotely can impact personal relationships.

When you cannot see the body language or smile of the person across the table it is easy to interpret their words. This can lead to negative relationships. Workers who are remote must therefore be very careful in the way that they communicate. The managers must also pay attention to the employees' communication and promote a friendly environment. You must also recognize that the technology is not a substitute for human interaction. It's important to socialize in real life as well.

Virtual collaboration is possible with many tools, but people need to put a name and a face together at some point. This doesn't need to be done every day, or every month. But it must happen at some point to establish trust and loyalty.

37signals achieves this by having the company meet at least twice per year, regardless of whether there are any projects to be discussed. Employees feel better connected and united as a result.

Lesson 8: Preventing Remote Worker Burnout

  • Remote workers may burnout if they work too hard, they have a different workday due to the inherent flexibility of remote work. So, remember to consider their needs.

  • Remote workers are at risk of getting lost in their tasks. Some people think that they don't work as hard as their office counterparts, but in reality, remote workers can be at risk of doing too much.

  • Remote workers may feel the temptation to work a bit more than usual because they're not bound by normal office hours. This can lead to burnout.

You should be extra cautious not to promote this type of behavior. You can't really see the burnout signs in your employees as much as you could if they were working with you in an office.

You might offer remote workers an additional day of vacation between May and Octember to allow them to enjoy the weather without being tempted by work. You want to ensure that your staff is happy and productive.

You don't need them to spend all their time at home. If an employee is unable to make new friends, or engage in other activities, they may not be able to work out.

Remote employees of 37 Signals, for example, receive extra funds to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in order to prepare healthier meals. The company also supports employees in the pursuit of their hobbies and interests outside of work. For example, company gifts can help fund travel.

If remote workers don't make up the majority of your staff, it's easy for them to feel like they're second class workers. They aren’t part of office life. Ask them about their concerns to help them feel more included. You could also ask a manager to do remote work so they can see what it's like.